David Filo, a native of Moss Bluff, Louisiana, attended Tulane University’s undergraduate program in computer engineering.
He was a scholarship student and a Dean’s Honor Scholar while at Tulane. He graduated summa cum laude and was named Tulane’s “top graduate” of 1988.
He later enrolled in Stanford’s master’s program in electrical engineering. Completing his master’s degree, he opted to stay at Stanford and try for his PhD in electrical engineering.
One day David Filo and his friend Jerry Yang were bored, so they decided to play around with the Internet. They found some good Websites. But there was so much information on the Internet! So they developed a way to find and keep track of all their favorite Websites. First they had long lists of Websites.
Later on, they separated them into categories. Filo and Yang wrote software using Tcl/TK and Perl scripts that allowed them to group their bookmarks into subject areas. Even these started to become big again, so they separated the categories into more groups. In the beginning, they called their new system is "Jerry and David's Guide to the World Wide Web." Later, David and Jerry changed the name of "Jerry and David's Guide to the World Wide Web" to "Yahoo!".
In April 1995, Yahoo!". was funded by Sequoia Capital with an investment of about $2 million and it went on public in April 1996, it headquarter is situated in Sunnyvale, CA.
Filo serves as a key technologist, directing the technical operations behind the company's global network of Web properties. He is credited with helping build Yahoo! into the world's most highly trafficked Web site and one of the Internet's most recognized brands.
David Robert Filo
The Role and Advancements of E-Commerce Applications
Electronic commerce (E-commerce) applications facilitate the buying and
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extranets. Bus...